Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Watch me grow

Here I am at two months! At his checkup he was 22 inches long and 10lbs, 10 oz
Also new pics are up at the following link:

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Monkey See Monkey Do

Watching a child's mind evolve has to be one of the most fascinating things I have ever witnessed. Everyday it seems Nick is able to put together more and more of what is going on around him. His baby babble seems to make more and more sense (at least to him if not to us). One of the neatest things he has begun doing of late is mimicking whatever someone else is doing. If you stick your tongue out at him, he will stick his back out at you. If you babble at his, he babbles back. Needless to say it can keep us both entertained for hours :)

Maestro Nick

This weekend we began pushing the musical button on Nick's swing which plays an assortment of classical music. His new favorite thing to do is to have someone grab both his hands and use them to direct the orchestra (imaginary of course) through all of the various crescendo and staccato portions. He actually squeals in delight as he leads the choruses!

Wednesday, February 9, 2011


This week Nick turns two months old! This last week has been a week of firsts! Nick reached out to grab the monkey on his bouncy seat. Most excitingly for mom, Nick slept through the night for the first time. Although when I woke up to realize that he hadn't woken me up in the last seven hours I was panicked something was wrong, but fortunately he was just growing up to be a big boy who sleeps through the night.

The past few days have been very eventful for the Upton clan, in spite of Daddy being sick, Nick and Mommy have had a great time. Last Friday Nick's Aunt Kait braved the continuously bad winter weather to come down and hang out with the little dude. We had a great time and even went to Mellow Mushroom, which was bumping since it was a Friday night in Ttown. Saturday all the Upton's went to Kobe for lunch with Mark and Amanda before watch the Crimson Tide beat down Tennessee in basketball. Nick has definitely been a good luck charm for the Alabama Basketball team!

Sunday Nick attending church for the first time. The sanctuary of our church is under construction, so Nick, Mommy, and Deenie got to sit on a sofa in the parlor. Next time Nick will get to meet the amazing ladies in the nursery. Nick spent most of Sunday afternoon at Deenie's house with his cousin Olivia, Aunt Gaines, Uncle Ben, and Aunt Glo! He was his usual precious expressive self. We left Deenie's and went straight to a Super Bowl Party at Donnie and Melynda's house where Nick got to hang out with Eva and Luke. Eva was very intrigued by Nick as he was with her, unfortunately for them both he is not quite big enough to really "play" yet.

Tuesday Nick went for his two month check up. Aside from getting 6 shots (thankfully he won't remember that), his check up went really well. He weighed in at 10lbs 10oz, up about 4lbs from when we left the hospital and had grown almost 3 inches to 22.5 in.

Check back later this week for Nick's two month watch me grow picture!